Dr. Phil Kearney - Self-Healing In Inner Awareness
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Dear Dr Kearney:

I wanted to thank you for opening me to a better life. I was a passive man who allowed life to take me where it wished. I felt no need to confront neither the people who wronged me nor myself. Until our work together I never realized how much of an impact my "lack of action" had on me. I saw your card at a client's office and was intrigued. I was unmotivated, depressed, self-loathing, angry, and powerless. My life was a tragic play from my work to my marriage. I knew I had to do something to turn my life in the right direction. I worked up the nerve to call you?the most important step. By our first meeting, I had many symptoms including chronic fatigue, depression, high blood pressure, overweight and no control over my life. Through the self healing & Therapy Sessions, I was able to regain control of my life in a safe environment. You taught me to communicate my feelings and needs without fear of rejection or pain. I felt free to make choices for my wife and myself without guilt or obligation to others.

Over the course of our work together I have gone from 225 lbs. to 206; and, have regained a competitive desire to exercise. I also noticed an increase in my energy along with the drive to accomplish my goals. Most amazing is the physical affect this process has had on me. I have gone from a blood pressure reading of 159 over 128 to currently 128 over 84 with no medication. When I thought we were through with my sessions, you opened my mind to a new level that I never knew existed. Learning the "Self-Healing Method" not only gave me closure of many troubling feelings but it also empowered me with the ability to replace those troubling feelings with positive suggestions to help improve my life. I gained an enlightening insight from many perspectives thus a new understanding of others and myself, which will help with my success in future dealings. Although in its infancy, I feel confident that I am having a healing affect on my wife's condition through your method. Meeting you has blessed me in many ways. I wanted you to know how you have helped change my life and how I look forward to the work we will do in the future.

Thank you,

Dear Phil,

I wanted to touch base with you just to say hi and let you know of some interesting developments since I returned home. First, let me thank you for your good work ( and mine!). You were professional, sympathetic to my needs, and it was a positive experience for me.

I am reminded of how subtle the changes in self-healing therapy are. I guess the main thing I have noticed is just that I feel good. I am happy once again in my work as well. I am very much aware of my dreams now, and how I have no need or desire to smoke. This morning, I actually did not get out of bed until 7:45. I slept soundly and went out to get the Sunday paper(did not win the 75 million lottery, unfortunately) and just could not believe how good I felt. I was reading the Sunday paper and started getting teary eyed and realized that was because I finally felt really happy. Can you believe that? I am amazed and of course not amazed. How is that for a dichotomy?

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that is serious improvement by any stretch and that I only anticipate that things will get better. I will keep you posted and would be happy to be a reference, provide a testimonial etc.

Thanks again,

Scott A.

Dear Dr. Kearney,

Just wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the stress management sessions you conducted with me. I came to realize that so many factors entered into this condition we call "stress". My outlook has changed in so many ways. Conquering anxieties can be very liberating. I also learned to keep my own power & not allow other individuals to tap into my strength.

I have been doing very well. Physically I feel great & mentally & emotionally, I am doing very, very well. I am looking at everything in a new perspective. It really is amazing to find the power in yourself that had been foolishly given to other people. I have heard that there are many ways that God moves within a person's life. I am convinced that since you have been there for me at many low spots of my life, it all works together.

There are so many people who could benefit from these sessions. Stress & anxiety can drain you & keep peace of mind from occurring. Not to mention the physical conditions connected with stress & anxiety. I am so glad that I worked through these areas & look forward to achieving what is meant for each of us- a productive life with peace & joy. Thanks so much for your persistence, hard work, and kindness. I will always appreciate it.

Thanks again,

Mt Pleasant, Pa

Dr. Kearney:

I am so thankful for all the help you have given me. Now I know what it means to truly heal an illness. At first I was reluctant to begin this process of healing but I soon discovered it helped me more than any other treatments. I was really suffering badly; I had never been so ill in all my life. I had given up; I was so depressed & discouraged. I was convinced that I would never be healthy again.

You told me that you would help me heal but I had serious doubts. What could you do that none of the medical doctors were able to accomplish? I grew impatient as you taught me the process of healing during the first few visits. Then the actual healing sessions began. You guided me as I removed decades of inner stress- all that emotional stuff that I had buried away for all those years. It truly felt wonderful to heal those old feelings, thoughts and self-perceptions. After the second healing session the deep lesions all over my head & face began to resolve completely. I believe it took another three sessions to significantly improve the muscle paralysis in my back. The medical doctors expected me to take 6 months to recover, if I even recovered at all, but you showed me how to heal these physical problems in just weeks.

One of my greatest difficulties has been to accept the reality that I can heal myself using my mind and God's help. Now I'm continuing to heal, and beginning to resume my normal life. With your guidance, I've become a completely different person; I now see the world from a different perspective, and I express my emotions rather than allowing them to create new tension in my body. My feelings remain in harmony & that keeps my body healthy. I was able to resolve many decades of personal issues that I could never, & would never, have faced without your help. I can never thank you enough. Please keep on doing your wonderful healing work.

With my sincerest thanks,

Dorothy J.
Greensburg, PA

Dr Kearney:

Thanks to your help I have been able to take control of my ulcerative colitis. When I first visited you I was having diarrhea & hemorrhaging at least twenty times a day. By working out some old troubled feelings from when I was a child, and by being able to learn how to handle emotions, I began to feel much better. Once when I had a flare up, I went to see you for a special visit. By working with you that day, it was as if I had taken my prednisone steroid for a week. To me that was the best. Not having to take medications any longer, I have been able to return to work, and participate in the life that I had been missing out on. After concluding the work in your office I am completely free of this disorder. I owe a lot to you. If I hadn't seen you, I'd still be visiting my digestive doctor on a regular basis, and I'd be taking more medicines at higher dosages. Thank you for helping me so successfully.

Another Happy Patient,


Dr. Kearney,

I don't know how we could ever thank you for your help. I feel that the work you did with me resolved a lot of feelings. These feelings contributed to my four miscarriages & prevented me in the past from having a successful pregnancy. I was also very scared about the pain during birth. But you helped me to realize those underlying reasons I had caused those uncomfortable feelings about giving birth. It's really hard for me to put into words how much appreciation I feel. Now we have a child, and our new son is very healthy & robust. Thank you so much.

Scottdale, PA

Dr. Kearney,

I deeply appreciate all that you have done to help me. It was so difficult when my husband left me. With your help I was able to deal with all of the emotional pain and turmoil. You showed me how to heal, and then helped me to resume an enjoyable life. I am back in college, after 25 years as a Mom, and am now preparing for a new career. That's going so well.

You also helped me resolve all of the discomfort I experienced as a child when I lost my mother, and then was subjected to years of maltreatment. No other therapist was able to achieve that wonderful result. Using the inner parts of the mind, I've truly overcome all of that early sorrow, and have put the past behind me. That was the greatest thing that anyone has ever done for me. Thank you for all your kind help.

Laughlintown, PA

Hi Phil:

Just a quick note. It has now been 7 months sice we did therapy together. I just wanted to give you an update. I have not felt better in ages. I enjoy my school nursing profession and my work as a therapist has improved. I have lost 19 and 1/2 lbs. I am able to play racquetball 3 x/week.

Seriously, here is the kicker as I am still somewhat in disbelief. My Gastroenterolgist had been pushing me to do the combination therapy for Hepatitis C. My liver biopsy in 1999 showed moderate damage, and my LFTS had basically been going up ever since I started testing them in 1997.

Had another biopsy a few months ago, and there has been no progression whatsoever. They even did a cell to cell comparison from then to now and there is no difference. Not only is this pretty amazing, but I just had my LFTs and my enzymes have never been lower! I can only attribute this to your healing techniques, and of course my Dad says a special prayer in Synagogue every Saturday.

Anyway, I am still a very happy camper and wanted to share this with you.

Hope all is well with you and your family,

Scott A.

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