Dr. Phil Kearney - Self-Healing In Inner Awareness
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In Inner Awareness
Achieving Emotional Harmony
Alleviating Physical Disorders
Relieving Stress By Preventing Stress
Women's Innate Physical Wisdom
Healing After Abuse, Rape & Other Trauma
Creating Wonderful Personal Change
Restoring & Enhancing Natural Sexuality
Enhancing Eyes & Vision
Enjoying Self-Healing
Spirit & Knowing
Innovative Self-Healing

Welcome!... to those who wish to significantly improve their lives... to those who wish to participate in an exciting process of profound personal transformation. You can readily change your personal habits, develop new personal skills & abilities, improve or eliminate physical disorders, enhance your health, restore emotional calm and balance, eliminate worry and troubled memories, participate more enthusiastically in life, & develop a meaningful spiritual life. Imagine yourself making all of the self-improvements that you've wished to make for years, and then making those changes very quickly. Based on your own desires & judgment, and with the doctor's guidance, you will readily alter your life using the inner abilities of your mind in a perfectly safe & highly effective manner. "Dr. Phil's" Self-Healing In Inner Awareness is a process of bringing about successful change using innovative methods of self-improvement and inner self-transformation. All the tools anyone needs to transform themselves are within every individual. You will learn how to access & then utilize all the resources of your mind & inner personality to improve your personal life.

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