Dr. Phil Kearney - Self-Healing In Inner Awareness
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• Extraordinary Healing Of Physical Disorders

Extraordinary healings are those healings facilitated by utilizing the abilities of the innr parts of the mind to restore and transform an individual's Mind, Feelings, & Spirit so as to improve the Body. Extraordinary healings are also the healings that we never expect to occur, or the healings that seem to have no normal explanation, or healings that accomplish more than anyone has anticipated, or healings that occur even when we have been told that healing is not likely or possible. Extraordinary healings are also those healings that occur when everyone else has given up, healings of disorders that have gone on & on for months or years without any improvement, healings of disorders we have been told are always unresponsive to standard treatments, healings of disorders for which no one has suspected or acknowledged the true cause, and healings for illnesses which were thought to be uncorrectable lifelong conditions. Unquestionably, extraordinary healings exist & do occur all the time.

But can extraordinary healing of illness & physical disorders be facilitated by the mind? Is it possible that your subconscious mind is sometimes more powerful than modern medicines? Can an individual's thoughts & feelings be transformed so as to activate the body's healing abilities? By dissolving away uncomfortable, repressed emotions, can you relieve your innermost stress to help restore the natural functions of the Body? Will the subconscious mind help to spur on healing when modern treatments have proven insufficient? To all these questions, the answer is a resounding "yes", a heartfelt "yes", an exuberant "yes"! Your inner, subconscious mind is the most powerful tool you possess to help restore your Mind, Body, Feelings, & Spirit system.

Modern Treatment Limitations

When people develop an illness today, they are given drugs & medications. Or they are injected with chemicals, undergo surgical repair, endure exposure to powerful radiation, endure blood filtration, & sometimes receive transplanted body parts. All of these standardized treatments are designed to reduce some of our symptoms & help restore basic function, giving the body time to recover, or allow it to repair itself naturally. Afterward people are often told they have been cured. Perhaps they might be cured but unquestionably they are not healed! All of these standard health treatments & procedures are a delusion. True healing has nothing to do with refurbishing our bodies through artificial means. With their inherent shortcomings, traditional treatments must be accompanied, or followed, by the process of true and complete healing.

Complete Healing

Complete healing is about looking much deeper into the individual to discover & then remediate those basic constitutional elements that have been damaged over time. We must find out what it is that has allowed illness to develop in the first place. Remember, the body is naturally designed to deter illness and to repair physical injury. If the body no longer performs those natural functions, then we must discover the reason. The answer is found at the most basic level. Healing is the process of restoring harmony to the entire Mind, Body, Feeling, & Spirit system. Extraordinary healings are facilitated by fully utilizing the most powerful device on earth, your subconscious mind. And using self-healing in inner awareness is one of the most effective ways of activating your subconscious mind's therapeutic capabilities. Deep within, you have all of the inner strength & resources that you need to help restore your Mind, Body, Feeling, & Spirit network.

You are ultimately in charge of your own health & you must assume full responsibility for eliminating illness & restoring your health. You are the ultimate guardian of your own wellness. Therefore you must never relinquish your overall responsibility for maintaining your health to any person, therapeutic group, healing institution, or health corporation. To counter illness & disease & restore a poorly functioning body you must use your innate abilities to heal a frustrated Mind, to dissolve away any smoldering subconscious Feelings, to fully release tumultuous stress, and to reinvigorate a dejected inner Spirit. Good health & enduring wellness are attainable. Stored within the various levels of your subconscious mind are all the resources you will need. You can learn to use the strength of your mind. You can access your untapped abilities and use your own mind in a variety of powerful ways to improve, correct, transform and revitalize all the elements of your Mind, Body, Feeling, & Spirit system. Since the necessary healing must be done by accessing the subconscious mind, self-healing in inner awareness is the desired therapeutic tool to be utilized.

In order to bring about inner harmony & healing, the individual will discover their deeper feelings, unknown subconscious thoughts, hidden desires & motivations, your innermost perceptions, any unrecognized stress, and any cognitive (thought) disharmony. Any area of the Mind, Feelings & Spirit that are not functioning at their best are transformed to a state of profound well-being.

Healing Our Hidden Feelings

The process of healing your emotions will be one of the most joyous & uplifting experiences of your life. As you have just read, a major contributor to the development of illness and physical disorders is deep, unrecognized stress which eventually damages the organs & systems of the body. When people suffer from ongoing, daily emotional stress, they relieve it with such things as meditation, yoga, visual imagery, relaxation tapes, & physical exercise. These methods help relieve daily stress. None of those techniques, however, has the slightest impact on the deep, unrecognized stress produced by years of repressing our emotions. To relieve the emotional stress that we have denied and buried within ourselves, we must access the healing abilities of the inner mind.

Each person will begin the process of self-healing in inner awareness by searching for repressed emotions & hidden stress. So one of the very first steps in the process of healing, is to discover and then eliminate any hidden, tension producing emotions that are unknowingly stored within our bodies. Since the inner mind creates our feelings, and then stores away our unexpressed feelings, we use the inner mind to locate & identify troubling feelings. Once these feelings are discovered, then we utilize the natural abilities of the mind to comfortably dissolve away those troubling emotions & turbulent energy accumulated within the body. This process of fully & permanently dissolving away troublesome emotions is one of the most uplifting & beneficial emotional experiences that any individual will have in their lifetime.

While in deep relaation, the inner mind is used to locate any repressed emotions. One by one, all the hidden emotions are detected & encountered by the mind. Next, the origin, subsequent development & life changing influence of these emotions is mentally acknowledged & understood. Then, after learning why these feelings were hidden away, the troublesome emotions are cognitively and/or verbally expressed so that their intense impact is dissipated. When necessary the patient will absolve the troublesome persons, situations & events from their past. Following this, the energy of the emotions is dissolved away. Using the inner mind, the feelings are released and the individual will physically feel the uncomfortable emotional energy flowing out of the Body. At the conclusion of this procedure the individual experiences a feeling of great relief, as if a huge burden has been lifted from their shoulders. In their elation, most people will say that this is something that they have wished to do for years but were unable to accomplish it on their own. For the next few days, many individuals will feel a sensation of physical lightness as they walk around during the day.

Dr. Kearney has developed a very advanced & highly effective self-healing process to relieve emotional stress. The individual learns to release their emotions during self-healing in inner awareness. The technique is performed while asleep or in deep relaxation so that the individual is able to deal comfortably with any troubled memories or painful feelings. The individual undergoing self-healing feels calm, relieved, and tremendously elated.

Once all the hidden feelings are dissolved away, the accompanying internal stress is totally relieved and gone forever. Releasing all of the repressed emotional stress over a period of weeks brings renewed energy which automatically enhances the functions & processes of our Body. Since the Body is designed by nature to maintain the best possible health. It is now able, without the interference of any repressed emotion stress, to naturally restore the natural energy & normal functions of its organs & systems to a more optimal level of health & wellness.

Alleviating Daily Stress

Besides eliminating our hidden repressed stress, the process of Self-healing in inner awareness is used to alleviate our daily, ongoing tension as well. To insure our best health, every type of stress in our daily lives must be relieved. Whether we have ongoing conflicts at work, excessive demands upon our time & mental resources, disagreements at home, or social difficulties in the community, we must prevent the resultant tension. Self-healing is truly unique because it successfully eliminates ongoing daily stress by actually blocking the initial reaction of the subconscious mind to any challenging situation. Stress is never allowed to occur; it's development is functionally thwarted. Self-healing in inner awareness modifies the mind's internal responses to life's stressful situations. You actually 'reprogram' your own mind so that provocative people & situations will no longer upset you. Your inner perceptions & emotional responses are transformed. Instead of being nervous, aggravated & frustrated in a challenging situation, your subconscious mind automatically responds by creating internal perceptions & feelings that are calm & tranquil & reasoned. In effect, stress is eliminated by preventing it from developing in the first place. People are surprised & delighted when they see themselves automatically remaining calm & relaxed in the daily situations that previously caused them tremendous tension & physical discomfort. Relieving physical tension like this also helps to heal the Body.

Physical Restoration

When self-healing in inner awareness alleviates the sum total of an individual's stress, there is a revitalization of the Body. Without stress, the immune system can improve to successfully help to fight off infections & remove the beginnings of anomalous growths within the body. The immune reaction is also less prone to overreact thereby helping to reduce or eliminate allergies, asthma, and autoimmune disorders. The muscular & circulatory systems also relax which helps relieve migraine headaches. Less circulatory stress reduces blood pressure, lessening the possible occurrence of heart attack, stroke, and temporary loss of vision. Skeletal muscles relax more to relieve leg cramps and back spasm. Facial muscles soften to eliminate TMJ & grinding of teeth. Without inner tension, our hormonal or endocrine systems are encouraged to return to normal to improve our metabolism, daily energy, physical growth, appetite, emotional moods; sexual desire, sexual pleasure & reproductive functions (fertility), physical stamina & performance. In a state of relaxation, our biological "clocks" & ultradian cycle can return to normal which restores the proper balance of activity and sleep.

Removing all forms of stress helps to heal the Feelings & the Body. People are revitalized after doing this restorative self-healing, as years or even decades of hidden emotional stress are "taken off their shoulders". They are truly delighted when they realize that a monumental task has been accomplished and complete healing has truly begun!

Healing Our Subconscious Thoughts

Unquestionably, our health is affected by our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes & self-perceptions, especially those occurring in the subconscious mind. Thoughts that cause a physical reaction or change in the body are called "actuating" thoughts; i.e., they make something happen inside our bodies. Thoughts are by nature very nebulous phenomena. They appear to come & go on their own without rhyme or reason. Sometimes thoughts will occur frequently, or persist for a long time, while in other situations they are remarkably fleeting. Even though they are so elusive one can readily discover any thoughts that encourage the development or continuation of an illness or physical disorder.

Troubling thoughts that we have experienced, which have been fostering illness, are stored away deep inside the mind. To discover the existence of such thoughts we have the inner mind, while self-healing, recall the physical symptoms of their disorder. As this occurs, the mind is taught to immediately discover the exact thought(s) that contributed to the development of their physical problem.

Once remembered, it is necessary to mentally discover the circumstances surrounding the development of the actuating thought, why it was so important, and how the original experience was associated with a particular area and physical function of the body. For instance the individual can determine if the original actuating thought was implanted by a careless or misinformed parent. Or perhaps the original thought was simply a misinterpretation of what was stated by an adult. Or the actuating thought may have been formed by the childlike reasoning of the inexperienced subconscious mind. The thought may also have been implanted by a health professional who has misconstrued a predominately emotional or stress disorder as a purely organic illness. The thoughts may even be the result of faulty, immature subconscious reasoning. As a result, the inner mind may be attempting to protect or even punish the individual by fostering a physical disorder.

Once we discover an actuating thought, then the inner mind traces the occurences of that thought as it persisted over time. One will ascertain how that thought persistently affected the body, how it has evolved & become more complex over time, how it has affected the person's behavior & relationships, and how it may have increasingly impaired one's physical health over the years. Once the "ongoing history" of an actuating thought has been determined, then it can be transformed so that it no longer impacts the individual's health.

Actuating thoughts of illness are improved or corrected with self-healing in inner awareness. The technique used is called "inner mind reframing & understanding" which is the process of reevaluating earlier life experiences with the insight, knowledge, maturity, and life experience of the adult mind. Misinterpretations of early life events, incorrect beliefs, and faulty subconscious reasoning are all brought to a mature level of understanding. The self-healing method helps the subconscious mind to correct immature or invalid conclusions, to transform childhood interpretations, and to understand the illogic of misrepresented facts. The individual learns how the youthful mind works, why it's so suggestible, how their earlier mental "programming" was so limiting, & how that affected the body & promoted the development of their physical disorders. Finally the actuating thoughts & their original causes are put into a broader life perspective so that the subconscious mind will understand how their original thoughts were misrepresentations of reality, and that these thoughts are no longer applicable in the present mental, emotional & physical life of the patient.

To sum up the entire reframing process, one might say that immature, illogical & self-destructive thoughts of the subconscious mind are transformed into mature, well reasoned, & beneficial thoughts. Once the actuating thoughts have been transformed, they are no longer able to adversely affect the body. In fact, these thought are reframed in such a manner so as to now positively affect the body, and then improve the overall health & wellness of the individual.

Healing Our Spirit

Our Spirit is restored when we eliminate those elements that have diminished our enthusiasm for life. After we dissolve away troubling subconscious feelings, then we no longer have to continually suffer those painful emotions from our earlier life experiences. Our painful memories with the terrible emotional anguish removed just become ordinary, endurable memories. Instead of the emotional limitations and hurt of the past, we are now free to seek new life situations that can provide us with a wide range of joyful and pleasurable emotional experiences. When we are free of old, repressed emotions, then we relearn to acknowledge, experience, and express all of our feelings. We know we are alive, we feel our emotions without restraint, and our Spirit is resurrected, and then fortified.

Once we eliminate troubling, deep inner stress all of the organs, and systems, and chemical processes of our Body have the opportunity to return to their normal level of energy and performance. Once we notice that the Body is indeed functioning in a far better manner, then our health concerns & worries are eliminated, and the renewed confidence in our physical health further restores our Spirit.

Spirit also has to do with our spirituality. Once we have dealt with our troubled feelings, painful memories, deep subconscious emotional/physical stress, misguided thoughts, misdirected attitudes, limiting perceptions, and inefficient life coping skills, then we are able to consider & explore matters of spirituality. What Is the meaning of the life experiences I have gone through.? What life lessons can be learned from them? In what ways have I gotten stronger, developed a new perspective, improved my abilities? What lessons have I learned about the world, and about other people? Is there a theme to my life lessons? Have I been pursuing the things that I feel I should pursue? Is my life going in a direction that will benefit me spiritually? Have I deviated from the life path I would really like to pursue? What changes are necessary in all aspects of my life? What self-awareness do I have now that was not present before my illness? As you begin to answer these questions, using the ability of your mind to access your "higher self-awareness", your spirit will soar.

All of your self-healing in inner awareness brings about emotional harmony, tranquil thoughts, broader perceptions, heightened self-esteem, greater self-confidence, and a new enthusiasm for healing & wellness. You are able to develop a truly invincible Spirit, indeed a Spirit that never gives up on your ability to heal and remain healed.

Final Notes

In order to completely heal, you must restore & heal every element of the Mind, Body, Feelings, & Spirit network. Since all elements are closely related and interdependent, you will usually heal more than one element of the network during the course of self-healing in inner awareness. While this may sound like a daunting task, most individuals will readily remediate three to seven core issues or difficulties to bring about healing and enhanced health & wellness.

The numerous steps involved in healing the human system are performed while you are using self-healing in inner awareness. As you go through the self-healing process, you will become fully aware of, and remember, all of the Mind, Body, Feeling, & Spirit elements that have been transformed & healed by the process. Once each of these essential human elements is restored at the level of the inner mind,then overall inner harmony returns to the individual which, over a relatively brief period of time, automatically stimulates your natural & extraordinary ability for complete healing.

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