The ability to enjoy sex in a healthy and pleasurable manner depends much more on your inner mind than upon your body. The most common obstacles to sexual enjoyment are a lack of sexual desire, the inability to function adequately, reduced pleasure, physical discomfort during lovemaking, as well as fears, prior unpleasant experiences, & disruptive inhibitions. These & other impediments to enjoyable lovemaking are almost always rooted in a subconscious perception, previous feelings, a troubled mental image, or uncomfortable memories. The old memories and the accompanying feelings can be buried deep inside the mind- so deep in fact that the individual is no longer able to recall the details. The inability to achieve enjoyable sexual pleasure has many possible causes. Some individuals have never experienced a satisfactory sexual relationship. They have not learned and mastered some of the unique skills & techniques necessary for pleasurable intimacy. There can also be psychological conflicts, uncomfortable feelings, doubts about the relationship, inability to fully commit to a relationship, sexual fears & inhibitions, lack of knowledge, unpleasant past experiences, & a lack of self-esteem. Males can experience a fear of sexual performance, avoidance of sexual relationships, impotence, or premature ejaculation. Females can develop a lack of interest & sexual desire, apprehension about deep intimacy, reduced sexual performance, difficulty achieving orgasm, apprehension about certain types of sex, unmet sexual needs, uncomfortable intercourse, negative body image. One or both individuals may need more information about sexual issues and techniques, and how to successfully please their partner. With self-healing in inner awareness you can release the root causes of sexual discomfort and then enjoy your sensual experiences. Self-healing can remove all of the inner obstacles to good sex. Healing will eliminate fears, guilt, doubts, shame, embarrassment & inhibitions about sexuality and sexual performance. It allows the individual to dissolve away old, negative feelings that impair sexual functioning. It resolves & reframes troublesome memories of past experiences. Self-healing restores and enhance sexual desire which helps encourage more frequent and more pleasurable lovemaking with full satisfaction. Once all of this is accomplished the individual will then learn new relationship skills, candor in communication, improved emotional expression, quicker sexual arousal, increased sexual passion, and improved physical techniques for enhanced sexual pleasure. Self-healing can develop and improve your natural sexual abilities. This improves sexual responsiveness, performance & satisfaction, & builds self-esteem and sexual confidence. Self-healing in inner awareness truly reclaims the erotic by creating the opportunity for pleasing physical intimacy & a rewarding emotional partnership.
Diminishing Sexuality
Some people have a very enjoyable sexual relationship with their partner for many years. Then over time the physical union seems to become less important. Natural sexual desire and the enjoyment of physical pleasure can diminish or even disappear over time. Life's circumstances, demanding schedules, increasing responsibilities, outside interests, interpersonal conflicts, & physical or mental stress can crowd out the opportunity to maintain a satisfactory loving relationship. Physical enjoyment may become a thing of the past. Self-healing in inner awareness rekindles your diminishing physical relationship. This is done by reducing or eliminating ongoing daily stress. It helps individuals resolve any emotional interpersonal conflicts that are interfering with good sex. Attention is given to facilitated responsiveness, improved technique, deeper pleasure, & greater emotional satisfaction. Self-Healing in inner awareness helps people set new goals & priorities, and positions the romantic relationship in its proper place. So once again sexuality and physical pleasure are enjoyable. Emotional ardor is able to return and individuals are once again able to re-experience & enjoy the emotional & physical pleasures of their earlier love. |