Continuous pain can be one of the most frustrating things that a person is asked to endure. Pain, however, is a physical phenomenon that is highly responsive to self-healing procedures. Pain can be dramatically reduced and often completely eliminated with self-healing. Pain is that uncomfortable sensation that causes physical suffering accompanied often by mental aggravation. Pain occurs after injury, disease, physical degeneration, or emotional distress. The actual perception & production of pain is a multistep process that happens in less than a thousandth of a second. The sensation of pain is first experienced or "felt" by the subconscious mind which transmits pain perception information from sensory nerves of the body up to the brain. Once the information is processed by the brain, it then sends pain sensation messages back through other nerves into the body so you actually feel the pain physically. If the pain continues, then the stimulating nerves will later produce "pain substances". Following this the pain chemicals cause the release of inflammatory substances that lead to deep inner swelling & soreness. The unpleasant sensation of pain in the body is noticed or felt by the conscious mind only after all of the subconscious processes have occurred. Note that when you notice pain you are experiencing only the conscious awareness of the pain. You are never aware of the deeper perception of pain that is being experienced by the subconscious mind. Interestingly, low levels of pain will sometimes be experienced only subconsciously without any conscious awareness whatsoever. Since the subconscious mind is a vital link in our awareness of pain, self-healing therapists teach the inner mind to prevent, control, and shut off the sensation of pain. The actual pain experience, and the ability to tolerate pain depends on your level of personal stress, your emotions prior to developing pain, your previous experiences with pain, your personality characteristics, social & cultural expectations, and the emotions you experience after pain has taken hold. Therapists view pain as having three basic underlying sources- physical, emotional, and psychophysiological. By psychophysiological, we mean that the pain originates from both a physical and an emotional source. The self-healing methods used to treat and control pain will depend on the underlying cause of your pain. Physical pain would be the pain a person experiences with arthritis, or a displaced disk in the spine, or from a broken arm. Pain may also exist because of poor postural habits & conditioning learned before the physical condition was treated. Self-healing and deep relaxation are used to eliminate or reduce physical pain. Theindividual will learn the technique of deep relaxation to use at home or work. While doing deep relaxation, the individual trains the subconscious mind to transform, alter, or displace their pain. The transformation of pain will depend on the intensity, location, & cause of the pain. By self-suggestion, the pain can be significantly reduced in intensity, the sensation of pain may be experienced less frequently, the area of pain may be reduced in size, or, most frequently, the pain may be completely eliminated. Some physical pain is caused entirely by emotions such as from stress at work, or stress caused by troublesome personal relationships. Most people have experienced a stressful day at work followed by head pain or back pain for the remainder of the evening. After a calmer evening and a refreshing night's rest, all of the pain will have disappeared in the morning. However some people are under continuing daily stress, or are suffering from deeply repressed emotional stress. When these people experience physical pain, it is there most of the time. As the emotional stress increases, so will the physical pain. In order to relieve this form of pain, the doctor will have the patient undergo self-healing in inner awareness. The deep, troublesome emotions and their underlying cause are uncovered and explored. Then through a process of emotional catharsis, the troublesome feelings are completely and permanently dissolved away. The resolution and removal of the underlying, uncomfortable emotions cause the pain to completely dissipate and physical recovery is very rapid. The presence of psychophysiological pain is an interesting phenomenon. It occurs when a physical disorder is accompanied by deep emotional discomfort. When our bodies are traumatized, or suffer an injury, or undergo surgery, the body is designed by nature to heal itself over a reasonable period of time. Sometimes, however, that natural healing is incomplete; the body remains only partially healed. You may be told that the present state of your body is the best that can be expected. WRONG! A body with pain that has refused to heal is a body whose natural healing process is generally blocked by repressed emotional disharmony. Physical injury is sometimes accompanied by deep, subconscious anger, sorrow, depression, anxiety, or even guilt. These emotions are caused by the individual subconsciously feeling responsible for the injury. The person believes that somehow she/he has caused or allowed the physical disorder to occur. In turn, these deeply hidden emotions cause physical pain on a subconscious level. We are not even aware of this inner physical discomfort but it adds to the overall sensation of pain. Additionally, pain can be intensified & prolonged by emotions or thoughts occurring in dreams while sleeping. Pain may also persist after injury or surgery because of thoughts & perceptions implanted by the negative attitude conditioning of one's physician. These professionals will sometimes tell you that "your case is complicated and you might have only partial healing & perhaps experience some degree of permanent pain after treatments or surgery". So troubled emotions, inner stress, negative thoughts, and uncomfortable impressions, can & do, cause a great deal of subconscious pain & prevent healing. The presence of deep subconscious pain causes the body to continuously secrete pain and inflammatory substances within the body. These substances can then damage the muscles, nerves, bones, & organs adjacent to the area of physical injury. So instead of the physical disorder healing naturally, these substances block the healing process, and keep the physical disorder in a perpetual state of incomplete healing. When the physical injury fails to properly heal, the body will begin to experience the physical pain on a conscious level, and you become intensely aware of the aggravating pain. Once a person realizes that the body has failed to totally heal, the individual may experience additional emotional frustration, anger, depression, fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia, and so on. This additional emotional turmoil causes even more pain. Sometimes the pain of incomplete healing is so intense that the person must give up their occupation, and are unable to engage in normal living activities. Eventually the pain ridden patient is shuffled between the surgeon, the physical therapist, the pain specialist & even a psychologist- all of whom, without self-healing therapy, never correct the true cause of the incomplete healing & its pain. So the person is left to live with their pain, and then dosed with stronger & stronger pain medications. Their once active life becomes filled with isolation, inactivity, lost potential, and sadness. The solution to many of these unresolved psychophysiological pain conditions lies in self-healing. In the remedial healing process the individual will eliminate all of their original emotional disharmony and their inner stress. All of the deep subconscious emotion that has been hidden from awareness will be permanently dissolved away. Then a specialized self-healing process is used to eliminate the underlying subconscious pain. This procedure removes the unrecognized deep pain, and then is designed to help terminate the production of the inner pain producing substances and the inflammatory substances produced by the pain. Research studies have demonstrated clearly that deep relaxation will reduce the pain producing substances found in the area of physical injury or surgical repair. Without these damaging substances, the adjacent muscles have a chance to relax, the deep inflammation can resolve, and the deep blood circulation can improve. With this enhanced physical capability the body has the opportunity to heal naturally over time. As the body repairs itself, then the annoying pain that is being experienced will drastically reduced or in most cases completely eradicated. There is nothing as dramatic as the complete removal of the pain and suffering that you have endured for months or even years. No longer needing, & throwing away, your pain medications can be an exhilarating experience. Self-healing in inner awareness is clearly recommended for anyone who suffers from chronic pain, worsening pain, the discomfort of a partially healed physical disorder, an incompletely corrected injury, the pain of multiple or repeated injury, the agony of unsuccessful surgery, arthritis pain, back pain, severe muscle tension & pain, joint pain, jaw pain, stomach pain, shingles, head & neck pain, fibromyalgia, menstrual pain, ovulation pain, and even postoperative pain. There is no justification for enduring pain when the powerful processes of Self-healing in inner awareness and deep relaxation are available, and unquestionably, so very effective. |