Approximately sixty percent of all cases of PMS, menstrual dysfunctions, & gynecologic disorders have a strong stress related or emotional component. First it is always prudent to undergo thorough medical evaluation in order to rule out organic causes for these disorders. Sometimes, however, some of these physical conditions do not respond completely to medical treatment, or they may continue without improvement for a prolonged period of time. Under these circumstances, a woman should consider other factors involved in the development of her illness & the failure to completely heal in a timely manner. Self-healing in inner awareness helps a woman tune into the unique natural wisdom of her body and her feelings. Self-healing permits women to remove high levels of stress, frustration, emotional difficulties, & relationhip conflicts that are typically associated with severe PMS and gynecological disorders. Every year, thousands of women suffering from vaginal & uterine pain, & abnormal bleeding undergo exploratory surgery or laporoscopy. Far too often the surgeons are unable to find any physical cause for the extreme discomfort. The renowned physician & author, David B. Cheek, M.D., did extensive clinical research in obstetrics & gynecology while incorporating mind healing therapy as a treatment. He specialized in treating women with gynecologic disorders that did not improve with standard medical procedures. Over the course of more than four decades of practice & research, Dr. Cheek was able to prove conclusively that emotional stresses, conflicts in relationships, and troubled self-perceptions were commonly associated with persistent or unresponsive gynecologic disorders. Using mind therapy, he was able to help these women heal in remarkable ways. Our office uses many newer variationsof his original therapeutic techniques, to help women improve their natural healing ability. Although there is often some association between a particular disorder & a specific emotional profile, there are in fact many emotions and self-perceptions contributing to these conditions. About sixty percent of women experience premenstrual syndrome. PMS is sometimes emotionally related to a subconscious dissatisfaction related to being a female. At times there is deep anger at one's own body, or a repressed fear of growing older into womanhood. PMS has also been found to occasionally accompany a feeling of not being close to one or both parents, especially the father. Premenstrual syndrome is also more common in "giving" women who ignore their own needs in order to meet the needs of others. Dr Cheek has written that there are far more emotional causes of painful menstruation than there are physical causes. In our office we have found that premenstrual syndrome is highly correctable with self-healing therapy procedures. Women, and their families, are delighted to discover that after self-healing they can have a calm & pleasant menstrual period each month without turbulent emotions, without severe physical discomfort, and without relationship conflicts. Many other physical disorders are helped by self-healing in inner awareness. Recurring vaginitis is often accompanied by subconscious feelings of frustration & anger with the spouse, or sometimes feelings of guilt regarding sex, or even inner callings for self-punishment. In our practice we frequently see that significant emotional issues are present in cases of unresolved or recurring vaginal inflammations. Therapists have also observed that chronic bladder infections are associated with free floating anxiety, obsessive personality traits, & sexual conflicts with the spouse. Painful & uncomfortable intercourse has been related to deep inner stress caused by a variety of deep, unresolved emotional issues. Ovarian cysts are common with feelings of having disappointed one's parents. Some women with abnormal PAP smears were found to be very passive, or pessimistic in stressful situations, and occasionally avoided anxiety by developing migraines & back pain. A variety of other gynecologic disorders have been associated with a whole host of uncomfortable emotional feelings, and unfavorable self-perceptions. So clearly, self-healing in inner awareness is very useful in helping to resolve PMS and other gynecological disorders. With self-healing the individual is first able to discover any unpleasant emotions or self-perceptions that are interfering with her health & proper physical functioning. Self-healing is then used to remove, or dissolve away uncomfortable feelings, help resolve relationship conflicts, and improve any troubling thoughts, or pessimistic attitudes that might be present in the subconscious mind. Once all of that emotional negativity has been completely removed, then self-healing is used to instill positive feelings and perceptions of high self-esteem and empowerment. So by eliminating a woman's emotional discomforts and then creating emotional harmony & inner calm, self-healing helps restore normal biologic rhythms & cycles, natural body functioning, high energy levels, continual healing, & natural fertility. Self-healing in inner awareness unquestionably helps to alleviate the issues, symptoms & emotional components of painful ovulation, irregular or painful menstruation, excessive cramping, excessive vaginal bleeding, severe PMS, overly tender breasts, pelvic discomfort, frequent vaginitis, uncomfortable intercourse, lack of desire, bladder infections, gynecological disorders, frigidity, and severe menopause. Improvements achieved with self-healing are not limited by age. Self-healing for PMS & menstrual difficulties is also very effective in helping teenage girls as they encounter emotional & physical discomforts related to the new physical changes in their bodies. Any woman with moderate to severe PMS should use self-healing in inner awareness to alleviate her discomfort. |