Our office does not offer 1-2 session "stop-smoking" sessions. Most people believe that they have been unable to stop smoking because of addiction to nicotine, the strong smoking "habit", poor will power, and lack of enthusiastic motivation. When someone continues to smoke, it means two things. First they have some type of deep subconscious reasons to keep smoking. Secondly, they are using tobacco to shut off the emotional or feeling portion of the mind. Cigarettes contain nicotine & this powerful drug, much like a tranquilizer, reduces your sensory awareness so you will disregard & conceal troubling subconscious feelings, thoughts, worry, negative perceptions & personal fears. Indeed continual smoking is a clear sign of emotional disharmony. So clearly, you cannot relinquish smoking without first healing the inner emotional difficulties that are the true cause of continued smoking. If you give up smoking with hypnosis without healing your emotions, then those feelings will eventually effect you in some other way. Some people who continue to smoke may have gone through periods of intense personal stress & turmoil at some time in their lives. Very often they have never expressed or resolved all of the emotional anguish associated with those uncomfortable events. To hide their old emotional pain, they continue to smoke. Other individuals continue to live stressful lives. Perhaps they are in troubled relationships, or they may be working at a job that they dislike. There may be personal problems with relatives, conflicts within the family, financial difficulties, or continuous daily tension. They continue to smoke so that the tranquilizing effect of the nicotine will bring some calm to their lives. The reason that quitting smoking is so difficult is because it is intimately associated with the workings of our inner mind. Most people attempt to give up smoking without dealing with the underlying issues that have kept them on the drug- the stress & tension in their lives, or the deep emotional disharmony that has been hidden away. Emotional harmony must be restored by dealing with your emotions rather than shutting them off with a drug. People have to confront these deep areas of their inner life. Those inner elements exist in the recesses of the mind. Often they have been there for a long time. These elements cannot be discovered by the conscious mind; they can only be brought into awareness by accessing the subconscious mind with self-healing in inner awareness. Smokers must resolve their underlying problems & emotional disharmony first before attempting to permanently curtail the smoking habit. Self-healing in inner awareness gives a person the ability to find the innermost motivations for your troubled relationship with cigarettes. Self-healing can be used to eliminate any daily stress that causes a person to smoke. Healing is also used to reprogram your responses to challenging situations so you respond with calm & confidence instead of fear & uncertainty. Removing daily stress helps many people get their desire to smoke under control. Besides daily stress, old & unresolved uncomfortable feelings, troubled thoughts, fears, and emotional conflicts create a more powerful deep inner stress. This repressed stress has been there for years, and remains deeply hidden in the subconscious mind and the body. To keep this discomfort out of our awareness, we distract ourselves from the inner discomfort by smoking, sometimes to the point of 2-3 packs a day. Using self-healing, the individual will sometimes discover that the source of inner stress is unresolved, highly disturbing feelings from the past. These feelings are uncovered with self-healing, and then rapidly dissolved away with a process of emotional discharge & inner stress release. Once this is done, the inner tension is gone forever & the person no longer feels that need to smoke incessantly. Other sources of inner tension & stress are past or present relationships that have been frustrating, unsuccessful, antagonistic, controlling, neglectful, traumatic, or even abusive. People who have endured, or still might be enduring, these types of personal relationships suffer intense emotional turmoil, extreme inner stress, negative self-perceptions, and diminished self-esteem. One escapes from these discomforts & misery by smoking. To eliminate this type of dependence, it is necessary to resolve all of the emotional chaos and inner tension within the individual. Self-healing in inner awareness is very effective in removing that inner stress & emotional disharmony created by destructive or dysfunctional relationships. Painful feelings are acknowledged & then dissolved away; once they have been discharged then they are gone forever. Self-healing also restores positive self-perceptions, as well as confident & cheerful self-esteem. The purpose of therapy is to eliminate all of the inner causes for continued smoking. Once all of this healing work is done over a couple of months, then the individual develops an inner calm, subconscious harmony, mental confidence, enthusiasm for life, and an enthusiastic spirit. It is then possible for individuals to eliminate smoking on their own. |