In order to understand the process of self-hhealing in inner awareness, it is first necessary to be familiar with the different levels of our mind. In the mind model for self-healing, we examine the major components of the mind. Some of the parts of the mind have been known for decades. Others have recently become known & delineated based on the doctor's mind/healing research. There is the conscious mind, the unconscious mind, the affective mind©, the soul mind©, the ego, subego©, and the very powerful subconscious mind. Actually all the inner parts of the mind are rather powerful and have specific functions to perform.
The inner mind includes the subconscious, unconscious, feeling/affective, soul/eternal, & subego portions of the mind. Until this new research was performed, the functions of the feeling/affective, soul/eternal, & subego parts of the mine were considered to be within the province of the subconscious mind. The outer portion of the mind includes the conscious mind & the ego. The conscious, subconscious & soul areas of the mind produce thoughts which cause the feeling mind to produce our emotions. There is a close interrelationship between the feeling mind & the subconscious mind. Like a child the subconscious mind is physically expressive, highly suggestive and easily persuaded. The subconscious mind actually encourages the development of our emotions, and then urges us to express our emotions. Often we are reluctant to express uncomfortable feelings. If we do not express or discharge these uncomfortable feelings, then their turbulent energy, and related thought energy, is permanently stored throughout the body. We may therefore conclude that the subconscious mind consists of the feelings & thoughts stored throughout the body, as well as the memories, beliefs & perceptions stored in the brain. The subconscious, recognizing the harmful effects of uncomfortable emotions, continually encourages the conscious mind to express those stored emotions so that the body will be free of their agitated & debilitating energy. The subconscious is also that part of our mind that includes our imagination, our fantasies, and our daydreams. It is the part of the mind that controls our inner motivation, our desires for improvement, our habits, and the control of our physical skills. The subconscious is highly attuned & perceptive, allowing us to see people and events in a very wide perspective, so it provides us with our intuition, instincts, and impulses. The subconscious monitors our physical sensations and physical processes, and keeps an ongoing record of those sensory impressions. The subconscious mind also modifies physical functions in response to external stimuli (like danger or pain) in our environment, as well as internal stimuli (like thoughts, emotions, & physical sensations) generated within the mind & body. Additionally, the subconscious mind is able to actually talk to the conscious mind. (As is explained elsewhere on this site, all parts of the mind communicate with each other & with the brain itself. This communication is so effective that thoughts & feelings are communicated to the entire body, even down to the cellular level, using energy, the nervous system, & what is called the polypeptide molecular network.) The subconscious mind is always aware, and always paying attention. The conscious mind can become lethargic and inattentive under certain circumstances. The subconscious however functions not only when we are awake but also when the conscious mind is inactive. Thus the subconscious mind is fully alert & always listening, so it gathers information when we are asleep, while undergoing surgical anesthesia or even when we are in a coma. It is possible to communicate with the subconscious mind under all of these circumstances. The subconscious mind is always aware of everything we are experiencing. The subconscious mind stores all of this information like a super computer, and the details of our lives can all be recalled while in deep relaxation.
The Subconscious Portal
The subconscious & subego portions of the mind are repositories of basic beliefs & judgments learned early in life. They are very closely related but for the sake of simplicity, we will refer here to just the subconscious mind. Our inner motivation, our subconscious drives, are based on these basic beliefs which are taken to be immutable truths. These basic beliefs may or may not stand up to the logic & evaluation of our conscious judgments, and vice versa. There is a two way door or portal that flows between the conscious & subconscious mind. The portal however is regulated by just the subconscious mind functioning as a protector or guardian. At the portal, the subconscious exerts a critical factor, that is, it judges what material will be allowed to flow through the portal from one portion of the mind to the other. Conscious thoughts are allowed through the doorway & incorporated into the subconscious mind when those thoughts agree with the basic beliefs & judgments of the subconscious. If there is no basic agreement then the conscious thoughts are rejected & are not allowed to pass through the portal or become embedded in the subconscious mind. Thus the "immutable truths" of the subconscious reasoning are protected from the supposedly "invalid" conscious thoughts & reasoning of the conscious mind. Another function of the subconscious mind is to protect the conscious mind from severe emotional pain. When we go through traumatic experiences, we often suffer intense emotional discomfort. If the emotional trauma is very severe, we go into a state of shock, and the subconscious mind inhibits the awareness of the conscious mind which prevents us from experiencing the painful emotions. The emotions & memories are purposely locked out of conscious awareness by the subconscious mind to protect us & restore our emotional comfort. Some events that we encounter are uncomfortable & painful, but not strong enough to induce a state of shock. To maintain our daily comfort, our conscious mind sometimes purposely occupies itself with other thoughts & activities to block out or inhibit the uncomfortable memories & emotions. After the conscious mind has ignored this unpleasant information for a period of time, then the subconscious mind takes over, and pushes that uncomfortable material further & further out of the awareness of the conscious mind. After a longer period of time, those feelings become repressed, and the conscious mind is no longer able to access that discomfort any longer. In effect, the subconscious has closed the portal so that subconscious material cannot flow to the conscious mind. And without any awareness of those unpleasant memories & feelings, the conscious mind remains calmer & more comfortable. However, all of that turbulent emotion remains inside & wreaks its havoc at a later time.
The Powerful
Instrument Known as The Subconscious Mind
Self-healing works by communicating directly with the subconscious mind. With proper instruction, the subconscious mind is able to re-experience any event in your life. Using the subconscious mind, we are also able to activate the hidden powers deep within the untapped reaches of that mind. By utilizing self-healing we are able to access the deepest thoughts, emotions, fears, sensory impressions, self-perceptions, will power, and attitudes of the inner mind. Dr. Kearney's self-healing in inner awareness is rather unique because the individual communicates not only with the subconscious, but also the feeling, soul, subego, & unconscious portions of the mind. In so doing, the person is utilizing the most powerful & versatile portions of the mind. By communicating with these parts of the mind, the person can monitor, modify or improve all of those Mind-Body-Emotion-Spirit abilities that are influenced by the inner mind. The individual can discover all of the events of their lives that shaped them & the components of their personality that have caused them to be the individuals they are today. Knowing all this, we can change our habits, provide ourselves with new motivation for improvement, dissolve away uncomfortable feelings, fears, doubts; expand our mental, physical & emotional perspectives, and then develop new positive self-perceptions. Self-healing also allows us to communicate with our inner body and influence physical functions. We can thus eliminate pain, create greater energy, remove stress that blocks our immune system, lessen or eliminate physical disorders, normalize our inner biological "clocks", and a great deal more. Simply put, self-healing in inner awareness allows us to access, influence, or regulate the deepest powers of the inner mind which allows us to dramatically change our lives, eliminate stress, heal our bodies, calm our thoughts, achieve peak performance, and create greater happiness. |