Self-healing in inner awareness is a healing process that consists of many therapeutic elements all blended into a relatively brief & smooth flowing procedure. Self-Healing therapists understand that it is the deeper components of the mind that generates your feelings, produces your most powerful motivation, contains your self-perceptions, monitors your body & health, remembers sensory information, & maintains the perceptual impressions of your entire life. So everything you need to know about your emotional, physical & psychological makeup is stored directly in the subconscious & other areas of the inner mind. Therefore therapists use various procedures which permit you to access the "root cause' of your difficulties or concerns within the inner mind. You are able to quickly discover any feelings, thoughts, fears, doubts, memories, self-perceptions or coping strategies that are adversely effecting your life. You are able to uncover the things that are hidden from the conscious mind. Once you have gotten to the origin of your problems, then you can actually dissolve away those feelings, & transform the thoughts and inner perceptions that have been causing your emotional disharmony or physical discomfort. Note that healing always occurs from the inside out. Therefore you must completely heal all portions of the inner mind first and then heal the exterior conscious mind. Psychology is very helpful to learn personal, relationship, communication & social skills. In terms of therapy & personal transformation, psychology is a traditional "talk" therapy that analyzes & uses information remembered by the conscious portion of the mind. The conscious mind is utilized to recall significant early life experiences, to give you insights into your behavior & then to discover the presence of defense mechanisms, troubled thoughts, or emotions & perceptions which might be causing your difficulties. Solutions to your problems, however, are predicated on modifying the responses of only the conscious mind. Talk therapy may sometimes also include partial release of emotions by verbal expression, by crying & by venting one's feelings. One can also learn how to routinely express emotions more effectively, and to understand when emotions might be adversely effecting relationships. All of these things are certainly worthwhile... but there are inherent limitations. The greatest difficulty with "talk" therapy is that the personal data & recollections come from the conscious mind rather than the subconscious mind. Understand that the conscious mind has a much more limited recall of life experiences. Much of the crucial information you need to discover in order to determine the fundamental cause of your difficulties may be completely forgotten or hidden deeply within the subconscious mind. Attempts to remediate your inner problems by "talking" with the conscious mind are very time consuming, & usually only partially successful. Understand that "talk" therapy is an attempt to heal from the outside first & then work inward- but that's the exact opposite of the way that emotional & physical healing really occurs. Traditional forms of "talk" therapy are sometimes used for individuals who have suffered severe abuse, rape, & other forms of trauma. Since most "talk" therapists have little experience in dealing routinely with the subconscious mind, they frequently encourage patients to gloss over their past trauma to prevent them from uncovering & severely reacting to old painful emotions. Patients are frequently told that it would be incorrect to bring up the past because it was so hurtful. In effect, the individual is being encouraged to completely hide & suppress their feelings, thoughts & memories-all the inner stuff that's actually causing their underlying problems. This is totaly wrong; you can never restore your emotional balance & calm by ignoring the feelings from your past that are still within you. Self-healing, on the other hand, enables the individual, using the subconscious mind, to discover & then comfortably dissolve away painful emotions, and then completely remove all of that turbulent energy from the body. No matter what problem or issue you are healing, the inner feelings, thoughts, self-perceptions, & coping strategies that have been interfering with your life are easily uncovered & rapidly improved with self-healing in inner awareness. Sometimes people in "talk" therapy feel as if they have been talking for years without uncovering & correcting their true difficulties. Self-healing, on the other hand, may accurately be described as a "root cause" therapy because it enables individuals to quickly discover the essential components of their problem. It is also a comprehensive approach to healing, and brings about complete healing of all elements of the inner person. People in self-healing have frequent moments of enlightenment, which means that they have gotten life changing insights from the deepest and most powerful areas of their mind. Therefore a major component of self-healing in inner awareness is the use of deep relaxation. With this method you are able to immediately tap into your subconscious mind & quickly determine, and then fully correct the "root cause" of your difficulties. "Talk" therapy is frequently a long process that can go on for one to five years while self-healing in inner awareness is more thorough, more effective & is usually completed in just 3-5 months. To better understand the process of self-healing you must understand that one must discover & then totally eliminate all of the troubled, underlying feelings & thoughts that have been causing a problem. Also realize that unexpressed, uncomfortable feelings actually become a form of turbulent energy that is stored in your body. The troubled feelings buried inside you effect your thoughts, your emotional harmony, your attitudes, your feelings about yourself & others, your behavior, you physical body, as well as your inner spirit (enthusiasm & zest for life). Let's take an example of discovering the "root" cause of a problem. A teenager was seen who had developed intense anger which had become a major obstacle to developing personal relationships. During the course of "talk" therapy the young person discovered that the anger over time had actually turned into occasional rage. He learned that this intense feeling has actually prevented him from developing enjoyable relationships with peers, parents & teachers. Additionally the therapist & youngster determined that all of this anger seemed to be heightened after his parents were divorced. Therefore it was concluded that he had developed this anger because of his parents decision to get that divorce. In therapy, the young person talked about his anger & expressed some of that uncomfortable feeling to the therapist. Then he was taught new methods of dealing with his anger & how to handle strong episodes of anger in the future. When seen later on by a healing therapist, it was discovered that the prior analytical "talk" methods never completely removed all the underlying anger because the subconscious mind has not been accessed in the process. The anger still existed deep within the mind & body, and it continued to influence future events & relationships. During self-healing, the inner mind was utilized, & the youngster discovered the underlying causes for his anger stemmed from incidents that had been forgotten by the conscious mind. The young man was not upset with both parents but was actually angry with just his father for causing the divorce action. In addition, the teen's deep paternal anger had really begun when his father had treated him neglectfully when he was a young child. The self-healing method thus gave more comprehensive insight into the origin of the young man's anger problems. Then by using the subconscious mind, & the healing processes exclusive to self-healing in inner awareness, all of the feelings, & all of the agitated & turbulent energy, was completely dissolved away & removed from the body. Once the anger was truly eliminated there was no need for anger management training. In addition, the subconscious mind which works like a super computer provided many additional details, insights & understandings not available to the conscious mind. The young man knew exactly when the anger began, who & what caused it, and how it has been experienced at many subsequent events in his life. He knew with certainty how the anger had effected him mentally, emotionally, & even physically ever since it began. Unquestionably, this deeper understanding provided by the inner mind provided greater insight than "talk" therapy. In addition to healing a troubled feeling, self-healing also heals the troubled thoughts & memories associated with the uncomfortable "root" feeling. Clearly, for all of these reasons, self-healing in inner awareness is far more effective than "talk" therapies for resolving personal issues & inner problems. Some "talk" practitioners today attempt to solve their patient's inner problems with instrumentation such as biofeedback. This is a very slow and generally unsuccessful way of attempting to access & assist the subconscious mind. If a practitioner desires to communicate with the subconscious, it's much easier to use deep relaxation & then converse with the inner mind as much as desired. Why go to all the time & expense of using biofeedback instruments when self-healing in inner awareness accomplishes so much more in a relatively brief period of time? Some "talk" therapists use hypnosis in their work. Instead of doing the full spectrum of therapy, the procedure is used primarily to offer suggestions for subconscious improvement, or to recall earlier life events. Psychiatric facilities are often used effectively to assist people who are a danger to themselves or a threat to the other members of society. In addition, psychiatry is the medical treatment of severe & disabling psychological disorders like schizophrenia. These are needed services to protect society. Unfortunately too many psychiatrists call most emotional & personality problems a "mental Illness" which for most people is a totally inaccurate description. Over the years, because of changing theoretical attitudes in the profession, psychiatry has become more & more ineffective in producing any type of long term healing of fundamental personality difficulties. Too many younger psychiatrists no longer believe in treating people as sensitive individuals with deep emotional and spiritual upsets. Of course some of the older doctors still do psychotherapy but this has the limitations of all "talk" therapy. Many of the new psychiatric residents are no longer being extensively trained to perform psychotherapy with their patients. So now psychiatrists spend most of their time trying to medically "fix the brain" when there is usually nothing wrong with the brain itself. Psychiatrists attempt to treat many disorders in essentially the same way. However there is a huge difference between someone with depression or anxiety versus someone with schizophrenia who has lost touch with reality. Using just the new & exclusively biological approach to all problems, psychiatrists are ill equipped to actually uncover the subconscious roots of a person's emotional or personality problems. Since their approach is rudimentally ineffective, psychiatric practitioners often resort to dispensing psychotherapeutic drugs as the first choice of treatment. The drugs cut off the interconnections between the front of the brain & the emotional part of the brain. Thus one is unable to properly access their feelings & discover the deep inner causes of their difficulty. All emotional feeling is suppressed by the drugs & people no longer feel their emotions in a natural manner. (However, an accomplished therapist knows that emotions must be both experienced & then healed in order for an individual to restore a normal, healthy emotional balance & inner harmony.) When drugs prove ineffective, psychiatrists will sometimes resort to psychosurgical procedures like electroshock therapy and prefrontal lobotomy. These procedures actually damage portions of the brain & prevent individuals from being aware of their troubled feelings but they never correct the underlying emotional difficulties. These procedures are so destructive that people are sometimes unable to recall entire years or even decades of their earlier life. On the other hand, individuals who use self-healing in inner awareness frequently have a feeling that a huge burden has been lifted from their shoulders. These individuals are immediately aware of a significant change in their inner lives. self-healing in inner awareness is a fast method of restoring your life, and healing only lasts from 3-5 months. Using self-healing patients will tell us that we have discovered the essence of their most significant problem in just a few visits. Self-healing is designed to be fast and to get you functioning at a higher level in a very brief period of time. One of the most interesting aspects of self-healing is that you will rapidly develop many new insights about your life. After each self-heaing session, your inner mind will develop new understandings of your situation & provide you with a much broader perspective on the events & issues in your life. You feel emotionally uplifted & filled with renewed confidence because you are truly being healed. You will become more perceptive & much more creative in dealing with the people, events, & relationships in your life. All of this healing work is done without years of "talk" or by using any "mind-numbing" psychotherapeutic drugs or surgery. In fact during or immediately after self-healing is completed, most people are able to quickly wean themselves away from their medications, and enjoy feeling truly alive again. Unquestionably, a fast, efficient, and truly effective way of handling life's inner complications is with self-healing in inner awareness. Another great advantage to using self-healing is that it is often used to help you self-heal from physical disorders and illnesses related to inner stress & emotional disharmony that is hidden from the conscious mind. Today it is estimated that about 80 percent or more of all illness has some form of emotional or inner stress component that causes, maintains or prolongs the duration of illness. Using comprehensive healing techniques, individuals are using self-healing therapy with a whole range of disorders including asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, irregular heart beat, fibromyalgia, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, ulcers, multiple sclerosis, parkinson's, Epstein -Barr, chronic fatigue, severe PMS, infertility, chronic gynecological disorders, frequent miscarriages, unresponsive physical disorders, incomplete physical healing after surgery, uncontrollable pain, and much, much more. All of these disorders can be related to, & influenced by deep inner psychic stress, repressed emotions, subconscious fears, misguided protective thoughts, subconscious desires, and misunderstood perceptions. Only self-healing in inner awareness helps you rapidly improve and truly heal all of the Mind, Body, Emotional, & most importantly, the Spiritual components of these difficult disorders. Recommended reading: "Toxic Psychiatry", by Peter R. Breggin, M.D., St. Martin's Press. |