Dr. Phil Kearney - Self-Healing In Inner Awareness
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In Inner Awareness
Achieving Emotional Harmony
Alleviating Physical Disorders
Relieving Stress By Preventing Stress
Women's Innate Physical Wisdom
Healing After Abuse, Rape & Other Trauma
Creating Wonderful Personal Change
Restoring & Enhancing Natural Sexuality
Enhancing Eyes & Vision
Enjoying Self-Healing
Spirit & Knowing
Innovative Self-Healing
Relieving Stress By Preventing Stress

Stress is something that affects most people in today's hectic world. Stress is caused by the uncomfortable inner responses of your subconscious mind to challenging & demanding situations. Most therapies attempt to calm you down and relieve your discomfort after you have experienced the physical & emotional anguish brought about by stressful situations. This is true of just about every alternative therapy. However, helping you after stress has been allowed to occur is like putting the cart before the horse so to speak. All of these therapies are well intentioned & do provide some temporary relief, but are a bit off the mark because they never actually help you to prevent your stress.

Self-healing in inner awareness, on the other hand, removes or modifies the inner elements that are actually causing your uncomfortable stress reaction. Eliminating current stress involves removing all the old stress that you have been carrying around inside you as uncomfortable baggage. This is done by using the inner mind to dissoIve away hidden, uncomfortable emotions & by improving troubled thoughts still retained inside you. In addition, the mind is taught how to automatically respond to current situations in a calmer & more capable manner so additional tension is prevented from occurring. You also learn to fully & appropriately express your emotions in challenging circumstances, and then, with your subconscious mind, drain away any remaining emotional energy to further deter ongoing tension.

Self-healing in inner awareness is the most comprehensive & effective method of stress prevention available. It removes all of your old repressed stress, prevents present & future stress reactions, continually calms one's feelings, and prevents the build up of harmful emotional energy in the body. All of this causes a wonderful & permanent calm that permeates your mind, emotions & body. You will be pleased at how rapidly your life becomes more tranquil and much more enjoyable. Your friends, relatives, and associates will soon notice the improvement as well. An added bonus is that without stress, many people feel and actually look younger. Without the continual stress their facial features are more relaxed & more youthful looking.

(If you choose, you can still vigorously jog & exercise, beat on drums, do meditation, and have warm baths followed by a hot oil massage. However, instead of doing these things to relieve stress, you will do them just for fun, personal enrichment, and invigorated physical health.)

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